120+ WordPress Cheat Sheets for Web Developers and Designers

“Why bother with WordPress cheat sheets?” – you ask. Well, maybe it’s just me, but I find it rather hard to remember all those keyboard shortcuts, function names, arguments, structures and whatnots that all come “with the territory” when you’re doing any kind of WordPress dev, design, or publishing work. And it’s not just WordPress. There are even whole keyboard covers available just to make using tools like Photoshop more bearable.

Anyways. This is where WordPress cheat sheets (and others) come in! Cheat sheets is what me and you and everybody else can benefit from hugely if they’re struggling to remember things. Have a good cheat sheet and you can easily find yourself twice as productive – I truly believe this!

But the keyword in there is “good cheat sheet.” Simply put, not all of them are created equal. Sometimes you can spend weeks looking for the perfect, tailor-made cheat sheet that fits your personal workflow perfectly – highlights all the stuff that you don’t remember and ignores everything you do.